The Cost of Quality Time & Thankful for What I Lost

My kids

The Cost of Quality Time & Thankful for What I Lost…

I added twin girls to my family 15 years ago. And then I left corporate America to raise them. A divorce 6 years ago forced me to go back. But then a new relationship and re-newed confidence in my original decision allowed me to leave again.

Here’s what I lost:

  • a career in marketing that I loved (most of the time)
  • a big salary
  • working with smart, motivated people
  • ready-made group of friends
  • opportunities to travel and see new places
  • utilization of my giant closet of clothes, including 40 pairs of boots and hundreds of shoes and purses
  • a feeling of financial accomplishment
  • a growing 401k
  • college savings for my children
  • great benefits, including healthcare
  • learning and personal/professional growth
  • honing my skills in business and marketing
  • being part of a team
  • contributing to the growth and success of companies in various industries
  • extra money for vacation and purchases
  • the pursuit of a dream to climb the corporate ladder
  • admiration from friends and family
  • independence
  • a business card with an impressive title

Here’s what I gained:

  • quality time with my children


Sure, there are other items on the “gained” side of the equation, but none trump the quality time I’ve had raising my children and watching them grow into the good, smart, kind, people they’re becoming. Yes, for me choosing quality time came at a high cost. I gave up a lot to be  a full time mom. Some might argue that us moms deserve some type of financial bonus for sending happy, well adjusted kids out into the world to do great things. Afterall, raising good kids is perhaps the toughest job of all. While that would be cool, I’ll take my quality time and hope that one of them takes me in someday!!

Meanwhile, I’ll enjoy trading the twenty benefits of the corporate career I gave up for the one benefit of being Jake, Emma and Kate’s mom.  Regardless of the choices you’ve made in your life, be thankful for not only what you’ve gained, but also for what you’ve lost. Because sometimes when you lose, you actually win. Happy Thanksgiving.

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